
Most of the terminology in Picard has been lifted from Make, which I anticipate will be familiar to most of the people reading this. By reusing the same terms for the same or similar concepts, I hope to ease their comprehension.


A target represents some entity, e.g. a file or a process. It has:

  • A unique human-readable name for debugging.
  • A (possibly empty) set of prerequisite targets.
  • A recipe function that brings the entity into a specific state, and then returns a representation of it to be used by dependent targets. Recipes are asynchronous to enable concurrency.
class Target:
  name: str
  prereqs: Traversable['Target']
  async def recipe(self, context: Context) -> Any: ...

In Make, the combination of a target, prerequisites, and a recipe forms a rule. We could have called this class a Rule, but when we pass these objects around, e.g. as prerequisites, we just think of them as targets, thus the name.


The type of the prerequisites is a non-specific traversable that supports iteration and mapping. Trivially, this can be a single value, but more often it will be an arbitrary structure of nested collections, like a JSON value. This way, you can use whatever structure you want to express your prerequisites, as long as it can be iterated (to capture the dependency edges) and mapped (for evaluating targets buried within).


The basic principle of every recipe is that it establishes a post-condition by the time it exits. In the style of Make, such a post-condition would be “the target file exists with a modified timestamp after that of all of its prerequisites.” In the style of Ansible, a post-condition might be “the target service is running on its prerequisite host.”

There is one notable difference between Picard’s recipes and those of Make. In Make, a recipe is executed conditionally: only when the target does not exist, or has a modified timestamp before one of its prerequisites. In Picard, recipe functions are called unconditionally. The common, expected practice is that recipes themselves check what changes they need to make, and that they make the fewest changes necessary to establish their post-condition. Handing over this responsibility to users is the only way to enable tests beyond modified timestamps.

Each recipe returns an abstract representation of its target, e.g. a file path or a hostname and port. When a target serves as a prerequisite for other targets, its representation may be used in their recipes. When deciding what a recipe should return, consider what dependents may need. It is expected that a recipe returns the same value whether it needed to make changes or not. Recipes should generally memoize their return value to avoid duplicate work.

Each recipe is given an argument called the context. Context makes it possible to pass information “up” the dependency graph (or “down”, depending on your perspective), from targets to their prerequisites. It generally carries a configuration and a logger.

The process of calling a target’s recipe with a context is called synchronization or evaluation. We generally use “synchronization” to emphasize the process of changing an external entity to match the parameters of the target, and “evaluation” to emphasize the abstract value returned by the recipe in preparation for another recipe.


A target is a combination of a name, a set of prerequisites, and an (async) recipe function. Because every async function in Python has a name, we just need to add a set of prerequisites to make a target, which we can do with a decorator much easier than defining a class. Picard calls this decorator rule because it lets us build targets from recipe functions with a syntax that mimics Make:

async def clean(self, context):'rm', '-rf', 'build')

The arguments to the decorator, if any, are the target’s prerequisites. The decorated function is its recipe. The first argument to the recipe is the context. The rest of the positional and keyword arguments are the same as what was passed to the decorator, except all targets within will have been replaced by their evaluation.

async def a(context):

async def b(context):

@picard.rule(xs=[a, b])
async def target(context, *, xs):
    a, b = xs
    # In here, ``a`` and ``b`` are the values returned by
    # evaluating the targets ``a`` and ``b`` with ``context``.


A pattern is a template for targets, named after Make’s pattern rules. A pattern is first defined by supplying a generic recipe, and then it is instantiated one or more times to make targets.

The recipe given to a pattern definition is much the same as that given to a rule definition, except that it has an additional first parameter: the target itself. A pattern does not yet define a target, so the recipe cannot know it until it is called.

Defining a pattern creates a constructor which you can use to stamp out targets. The constructor expects slightly different arguments than the recipe you supplied for the pattern. Its first parameter is the name of the target. The rest of the positional and keyword arguments can be whatever you want to pass through to the recipe. It may contain a mix of values and targets. Any targets nestled within will be considered prerequisites and evaluated before being passed to the recipe. In other words, the recipe will only see values, not targets.

import picard

async def object_file(target, context, source):
    await'gcc', '-c', source, '-o',

hello_o = object_file('hello.o', 'hello.c')
example_o = object_file('example.o', source='example.c')


Once you’ve defined a set of rules, you need to choose one or more targets and synchronize them (which will recursively synchronize their prerequisites). Picard offers two functions to help with this.


sync(target: Target, context: Context = None) -> Any

Synchronize a target with an optional context and return its value. If no context is given, a default context will be constructed, which will have two properties: an empty configuration named config, and a logger (the root logger from the logging module) named log.


    target: Target,
    config: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
    rules: Mapping[str, Target] = None,

A command line interface similar to Make. make takes a few parameters:

  1. target: The default target to synchronize. In Make, this would be the first declared target. With Picard, you must pass it.
  2. config: The default configuration, a mapping from strings to values.
  3. rules: The set of known rules. If not given, it will default to the set of variables in the module from which make was called.

make takes a few steps:

  1. It parses the command line for options of the form name=value or --name value, and then considers the rest of the command line arguments, if any, to be names of targets.
  2. It builds a configuration mapping by taking the defaults in config, then overlaying variables from the environment, and then overlaying the options it parsed in step 1.
  3. It packages the configuration it built in step 2 with the root logger from the logging module into a context.
  4. It searches the rules mapping for the targets named in step 1 (or if none were found, the default target), and then synchronizes them all with the context built in step 3.

make is meant to be used like this:

import picard

# Define targets.
target = ...

if __name__ == '__main__':