
picard.rule(*args, **kwargs) → Callable[Callable[[picard.context.Context, Any], Awaitable[Any]], picard.typing.Target]

Turn a recipe function into a target.

The parameters are the prerequisites, which will be passed, evaluated, to the recipe.


from pathlib import Path
import picard

async def gitdir(context):
    path = Path('.git')
    if not path.is_dir():
        picard.sh('git', 'init', '.')
    return path
picard.pattern() → Callable[Any, Callable[..., picard.typing.Target]]

Turn a recipe function into a target constructor.

The constructor’s parameters are the prerequisites, which will be passed, evaluated, to the recipe.


import picard

async def object_file(target, context, source):
    await picard.sh('gcc', '-c', source, '-o', target.name)

hello_o = object_file('hello.o', 'hello.c')
example_o = object_file('example.o', source='example.c')


picard.sync(target: Any, context: picard.context.Context = None)

Swiss-army function to synchronize one or more targets.

  • targets – One or more targets. This function will recurse into functors like sequences and mappings. (Remember that mappings are functors over their values, not their keys.)
  • context – An optional context. If None is passed (the default), an empty one will be created for you.

The value(s) of the targets in the same functor.

Return type:


picard.make(target: Any, config: Mapping[str, Any] = None, rules: Mapping[str, picard.typing.Target] = None)

Parse targets and configuration from the command line.